Expanding the Range of Blends Terminals Can Offer

The Challenge

As more and more terminals focus on alternate and sustainable fuels, such as biofuels and ethanol, an old industry problem came to the forefront. Blends that could be beneficial to terminal customers were not being offered despite each facility’s desire to meet their customers’ needs. Terminals were prevented from delivering a wide range of blends because most meters in the industry have a very limited flow range, negatively impacting the blend percentages that can be delivered. Providing more blends would mean spending hundreds of thousands on additional meters and installation.

Toptech set out to solve this problem without making terminals install additional equipment. But how were they going to keep the meters in their ranges while still empowering terminals to accomplish a wide range of new blends? With those limitations, Toptech realized the answer was not in the meters.

Unlock the Possibilities with Routing

Toptech understood that the solution would be in the Multiload. For years, Multiload has been known as the most flexible preset in the market, making it a natural fit in this equation. The engineers worked together with the industry to come up with a new feature called Routing. Routing allows the Multiload to pick and choose which meter to use, automatically using the meter that makes the most sense for the product. It does this by sending signals to the valves to route the flow to specific meters required for the blend. Ultimately, this gives them the freedom of moving from 5% to 95% blends, unlocking a range of products that were never before possible with most meter configurations.

This opens the door for any range of biodiesel, ethanol, sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), and more. For example, terminals can now go from focusing only on E10 ethanol blends, to having an arm that can deliver both E10 and E85. The possibilities of what can be offered to customers have been unlocked. Plus, this new routing functionality results in the most accurate blending without slowing down the loading process or running meters outside of specifications.

This functionality is available in firmware 4.36.00 or later, which can be downloaded for free from our Documentation page. Please contact us to learn more about how Multiload can take your terminal operations to the next level.

Documentation / Firmware

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